Staj ve Lisans



Annex 1

to the Convention on

International Civil Aviation


Personnel Licensing


1.2.5 Validity of licences A Contracting State, having issued a licence, shall ensure that the privileges granted by that licence, or by related ratings, are not exercised unless the holder maintains competency and meets the requirements for recent experience established by that State.  A Contracting State, having issued a licence, shall ensure that other Contracting States are enabled to be satisfied as to the validity of the licence.

Note 1.- The maintenance of competency of flight crew members, engaged in commercial air transport operations, may be satisfactorily established by demonstration of skill during proficiency flight checks completed in accordance with Annex 6.

Note 2.- Maintenance of competency may be satisfactorily recorded in the operator’s records, or in the flight crew member’s personal log book or licence.

Note 3.- Flight crew members may, to the extent deemed feasible by the State of Registry, demonstrate their continuing competency in synthetic flight trainers approved by that State.

Note 4.- See the Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulators (Doc 9625). Except as provided in,,, and, a Medical Assessment issued in accordance with and shall be valid from the date of the medical examination for a period not greater than:


60 months for the private pilot licence - aeroplane;

12 months for the commercial pilot licence - aeroplane;

12 months for the airline transport pilot licence -aeroplane;

60 months for the private pilot licence - helicopter;

12 months for the commercial pilot licence - helicopter;

12 months for the airline transport pilot licence -helicopter;

60 months for the glider pilot licence;

60 months for the free balloon pilot licence;

12 months for the flight navigator licence;

12 months for the flight engineer licence;

48 months for the air traffic controller licence.

Note 1.- The periods of validity listed above may be extended by up to 45 days in accordance with

Note 2.- When calculated in accordance with and its sub-paragraphs, the period of validity will, for the last month counted, include the day that has the same calendar number as the date of the medical examination or, if that month has no day with that number, the last day of that month.  The period of validity of a Medical Assessment may be reduced when clinically indicated.  When the holders of airline transport pilot licences and commercial pilot licences - aeroplane and helicopter, who are engaged in single-crew commercial air transport operations carrying passengers, have passed their 40th birthday, the period of validity specified in shall be reduced to six months.  When the holders of private pilot licences - aeroplane and helicopter, glider pilot licence, free balloon pilot licence, and air traffic controller licence have passed their 40th birthday, the period of validity specified in shall be reduced to 24 months.  Recommendation.- When the holders of private pilot licences - aeroplane and helicopter, glider pilot licences, free balloon pilot licences, and air traffic controller licences have passed their 50th birthday, the period of validity specified in should be further reduced to 12 months.

Note.- The periods of validity listed above are based on the age of the applicant at the time of undergoing the medical examination.



ICAO'da "Flight Operations Officer" için Lisans Yenileme (Validity) bu asrın başında kalktı. (Bknz.

Bu maddeyi düzenlerken, de bahsi geçen maddeyi koydu:

"shall ensure that...meets the requirements for recent experience established by that State".

Bu nedenle, JAA ülkeleri ve USA de bir defa lisans alınır ve şirketler evet şirketler kendi personellerini denetler ve belirli sürelerde yetki verirler.

Bu yetkiler Area of Operations, Cargo Only, Pax Only, Mixed, vs.vs gibi çeşitlidir.

Hatırlayacağınız gibi bir ara Flight Operations Officer kullanma zorunluluğunu kaldırmak istemişlerdi. Uluslararası Dispatcher Federasyonu, çok zorlu bir savaş vererek buna engel olmuştu. (Computer çıktığı ve FPL makinede ilk üretildiği zamanlar).

Türkiye ise işi hala ciddi tutuyor. Lisanslarımızda hala Rating bölümü var.

FAA lisansı almış olanlar bir baksınlar, böyle bir hane var mı?

Türk Sivil Havacılığı, bizimle birlikte gelişiyor. Çalışanların yardımları ile ilerliyor.

Dernek olarak ön çalışmayı yaparak, eksik olduğuna inandığınız bölümlerde, ikna ve ispat yoluna gideceksiniz.

Sivil Havacılık personelini küçümsemek, bindiğimiz dalı kesmek gibidir.

Lütfen yaralayıcı, küçük düşürücü tanım ve benzetmelerden uzak durup, bilimsel çalışmalarla yardımcı olalım.

Onlar olmaz ise, biz hiç olmayız.

